Monday, December 7, 2009

Every student in this class must complete learning log activities. This will be counted as an assignment grade. Your assignment is to create 3 images to be printed, framed, and exhibited at a public art show. The show will be the evening of December 19 at Big Al's Brewery in White Center. Big Al's is open to all ages. Attendance at the show is voluntary. More information about the assignment will be posted soon.-Your journal assignment for today: Are you interested in attending this event? yea i would be interested in doing this event. I think that it would be fun to make a series of pictures. this would giive me a chance to go down town and have some fun taking pictures. I am excited to do this because i want to learn to do the color splash on photoshop and this is what i could do for my pictures.

1 comment:

  1. I am excited to see what you come up with for color splash!!! You could do some really really cool stuff you are amazingly interesting. Make sure you are editing I have to take off points you dork!!

