Wow so it been a while since ive posted, Corrine is 3 month old now she is doing great they just took her to get shots again. She is 25 inches long and in the 90th percentile for height, she weighs 15 lbs and is in the 90th percentile for height and her is still small 15 inchs wich is in the 25th percentile but the doctor says its nothing to worry about. She is getting more beautiful every time i get pictures of her! She is supposedly like the best behaived baby in the world wich makes me very happy. She is still a really good sleeper and is rolling over and arching her back on her own now. She has started wanting to stand all the time so she got a exersizer, i am not completly sure what that is but i think it is something to help the baby stand up on her own. She is starting rice pudding and get to have baby food next month. they are starting her on veggies first so she like both fruits and veggies! I am doing great just started green river and i love it. things are going great with my boyfriend and i am still looking for a job. I dont live at home anymore either i am staying with my boyfriend for now but hoping to get my own place soon. well thats all for now.